Urhobo Language

Urhobo Names and their Meanings

Urhobo Names

This is a wealth of information about Urhobo names produced by Aruegodore Oyiborhoro of Long Island, New York, USA.  Its a great place to start when thinking about naming your child and contributes to the preservation of Urhobo language and culture.

Every Urhobo name given to a child has a meaning attached to it. Urhobo people believe that a child lives up to the likeness or meaning of the name that she or he bears. For instance, there is a general belief that if a ‘thief’ is the name of a child that child may grow up to be a ‘rogue.’ If, on the other hand, your  child is given a name that suggests a ‘rich person,’ there is the belief that such a child invariably grows up to be a wealthy individual. Urhobo parents are therefore very careful of the names that they give to their children.

For the most part, grandparents or close older relatives have the privilege of giving names to new-borns. This is usually an honour. However, unlike some of their ethnic neighbours, Urhobo people do not have any special naming ceremonies that require performing certain rites. Apart from the parents and grandparents, traditionally Urhobo rarely allowed new-borns to be touched or sometimes seen directly by others until the age of three months. Mother and child are usually strong enough to have an outing at this age. This involves visiting the in-laws and other close relatives. At this time, the child should have an established given name. A birth registry is a recent notion in Urhobo, traditionally, Urhobo parents do not “count” the number of their children. Parents are not permitted by Urhobo cultural practices to count their children. The number of fingers often represents a count of one’s children.

Urhobo names have deep meanings. Names are not mere labels, as they are in some other societies. Many Urhobo names invoke  SPIRITUAL or religious significance. Sometimes we give names to connote a  CHALLENGE  to self or others. Urhobo people thrive best when challenged. We also give names as a celebration and  APPRECIATION  of the gift of a child itself. Several Urhobo names reflect honour and  ACHIEVEMENT. Certain names are simply PHILOSOPHICAL, while others are GENDER specific. The Urhobo  also give names that emphasise the importance of PEOPLE as an important RESOURCE. Sometimes names are given to denote  SPECIAL DAYS, especially if the individual was born on that specific day.

The Urhobo are a very republican people. They work very hard to acquire wealth and fame in an old-fashioned way. Your wealth is as good as its source. Urhobo will investigate the source of your wealth. If it is suspect, you stand to lose your respect, dignity and fame. A good number of Urhobo names have to do with WEALTH AND  MONEY.

Names are also given to denote COLOURS, WEATHER conditions, NATURAL  RESOURCES and PLACE of  origin or where born.

The list that follows contains  a sample of some common Urhobo names. It must be pointed out that a few of the names under GENDER are not so common any more. The names are placed in categories. Each category contains the long form, short form, gender, and meaning attached to each name. Urhobo names are sometimes sentences or even phrases.  The ‘long forms’ may in fact be the ‘short forms’ of the actual long names. The ‘short forms’, therefore, are in some cases doubly short forms of the real names. However, the actual meanings of the names are never in doubt. Some of these names may belong to cross categories warranting repetition in some cases. This is deliberate.  Most Urhobo names start with vowels in the initial position except where abbreviated.

Names with SPIRITUAL or RELIGIOUS Significance

Akpenvwoghene Akpenvwe Unisex Praise God
Anaborhi Naborhi UNISEX Be born with good destiny
Edewor Dewor Male Sacred day of worship in traditional religion
Ejiroghene Ejiro Unisex Praise God
Ejokparoghene Jokpa or  Oghene Unisex Let’s trust in God
Ejomafuvwe Jomafuvwe or Jomafu Unisex Let peace reign in my life
Enohor/Elohor Nohor or Lohor Female Blessing
Erhiaganoma Erhi or Rhiaganoma Male Guardian spirit overpowers the body
Erhimeyoma Oyoma Unisex My guardian spirit (God) is good
Erhinyoja Rhinyoja or Onyoja Unisex Guardian spirit (God) meets our challenges (hears our prayers)
Erhinyuse Use Unisex Guardian spirit (God) answers prayers
Erhiroghene Erhi or Oghene Unisex The spirit of God
Eseoghene Ese Unisex God’s gift
Eserovwe Ese or Ovwe Unisex God’s grace or Free gift
Oghenebrume Brume Unisex God decided in my favour
Oghenechovwe Chovwe or Oghene Unisex God aided me
Oghenefejiro Ofejiro or Oghene Unisex God is praiseworthy
Oghenegaren Garen or Oghene Unisex God is great
Oghenekevwe Kevwe or Oghene Unisex God gave (provided for) me
Oghenekohwo Oghene or Kohwo Unisex God provides
Ogheneme Ome or Oghene Unisex  My God
Oghenemine Mine or Mimi Unisex I look up to God
Oghenenyore Nyore or Oghene Unisex God answers prayers
Ogheneruemu Oghene Unisex God makes things possible
Oghenerukevwe Rukevwe or Ruks Unisex God did this for me
Ogheneruno Oruno or Runo Unisex God has so much (great)
Oghenetega Tega or Oghene Unisex God is worship-worthy
Oghenevwede Oghenede or Oghene Unisex God owns the day
Oghenevwogagan Gaga or Oghene Unisex God provides all strength
Oghenochuko Ochuko or Oghene Unisex God provides my support
Okeroghene Okeoghene or Oghene Unisex God’s own time
Omamerhi Mamerhi or Oma Unisex Good guardian spirit
Onakpoma Ono Unisex Who creates life?
Onomavwe Ono Unisex Who is my creator?
Onomine Ono or Mimi Unisex Whom do I look up to?
Onovughakpor  Ono or Onovughe Unisex Who can predict what life can bring?
Oyovwikemo Kemo or Yovwike Unisex May our children be blessed
Oyovwikerhi Kerhi or Yovwike Unisex May my guardian spirit (God) be blessed

Names with  CHALLENGE  Connotations

Achojah Achojah Male Rise up to challenge
Aruegodore Egodo Male We have come (established) home
Edojah Dojah Male Day of challenge
Efemini Efe Male Let’s see how wealthy you can be
Efetobo Efe Unisex Wealth is achieved
Efetobore Tobore Male Wealth has now been achieved
Etanomare Tanomare or Nomare Unisex Freed from blame (despair)
Ighomuedafe Igho or Dafe Male Money intoxicates the wealthy
Miriodere Miriode Unisex I now have a name
Mitaire Mitai Unisex I have achieved (reached) their match
Mivwodere Mivwode Unisex I now have a name
Oboganriemu Obogan Male Be strong to survive (eat)
Ogbamremu Ogba Male The brave meets a lot of challenges
Ojakorotu Jakorotu or Orotu Male This is a group challenge
Ojanomare Janoma Unisex I have met the challenge
Onajite Ojite Unisex This is sufficient
Onanojah Onojah Male This is a challenge
Onogaganmue Ono or Ogagan Male Who is intoxicated with power?
Onoharhese Noharhese Unisex Who blames good deeds?
Udumebraye Udume or Dumebraye Male My presence gives them heartache (challenge)

Names with ACHIEVEMENT Connotations

Edafetanure Tanure Male The wealthy have spoken
Efemena Efe Unisex Here is my wealth
Efemuaye Efe Male Those intoxicated with riches
Efetobore Tobore Male Wealth has now been achieved
Etanomare Tanomare or Tanoma Male Freed from blame / despair
Etaredafe Dafe Male Words of the wealthy
Ighomuedafe Igho or Dafe Male Money intoxicates the wealthy
Ighovavwerhe Igho Male There is joy in riches
Irikefe Kefe Male First to become wealthy
Miriodere / Mivwodere Miriode or Mivwode Unisex I now have a name
Mitaire Mitaire Unisex I have reached their match
Odafe Dafe Male Rich individual
Odavwaro Odaro Unisex I am contented
Oghomena Ogho or Omena Unisex Here is my respect
Oghonoro Ogho or Onoro Unisex Respect is greater than gold (riches)
Okagbare Kagbare Male Now I have all styles / skills
Omonigho   Omo or Igho Unisex Child is greater than riches
Omonoro  Omo or Onoro Unisex Child is greater than gold
Onajite  Ojite or Jite Unisex This is sufficient
Onogaganmue Ogagan or Ono Male Who is intoxicated with prowess (power)?
Orodena Orode Male The great one

Names with Connotations of APPRECIATION

Akpenvwoghene Akpenvwe Unisex Praise God
Ejiroghene Ejiro or Oghene Unisex Praise God
Eseoghene Ese or Oghene Unisex God’s gift
Norioghene Norien Unisex Look at God’s judgment
Oghenebrume Brume Unisex God decided in my favour
Oghenechovwe Chovwe or Oghene Unisex God supported me
Oghenefejiro Ofejiro or Oghene Unisex God is praiseworthy
Oghenekevwe Kevwe Unisex God gave me (this child)
Oghenenyerhovwo Nyerhovwo or  Oghene Unisex God answers prayers
Oghenerhoro Oghene Unisex God is great
Ogheneruemu Oghene Unisex God makes things possible
Oghenerukevwe Rukevwe  or  Ruks Unisex God did this for me
Ogheneruno Runo or Oruno Unisex God has done so much (great)
Oghenetega Tega Unisex God is worship worthy
Oghenochuko Ochuko or Oghene Unisex God provides my support
Onoharhese Noharhese Unisex Who blames good deeds?
Oyovwikerhi Kerhi or Yovwike Unisex May my guardian spirit (God) be blessed


Akpobome Akpobo Unisex My own life
Akpofure Ofure Male Life is now peaceful.
Akporovwovwo Akpovwovwo Unisex Good life in later years
Anaborhi Naborhi Unisex Be born with good destiny
Asaroyoma Sayoma Female Comfort zones(people prefer comfort zones)
Ataikiru Taikiru Male Talk (plan) before taking action
Avwunudiogba Unudiogba Unisex Those who profess strength with mere talk
Edaferierhi Edafe Male The rich have good destiny
Edemirukaye Ede or Demirukai Male The day I did them a favour
Eghwrudjakpor Jakpor or Eghwrudje Unisex I have come to stay / Stranded in this world
Eguono Guono Unisex Love
Ejaita Jaita Unisex Let them say
Ejoyovwi Joyovwi Unisex Let it be good ( a success)
Emarejedje Omare or Ejedje Unisex The elderly also run for life
Emetitiri Metitiri Male Mine is famous
Emudiaga  Mudiaga Male Let’s stand firmly
Emuobosa Muobo Unisex Your own thing is precious (unique)
Emuvoke  Voke Unisex Every thing has time
Enakpodia Nakpodia Male The way life should (ought) to be
Enita Nita Unisex Watch what you say
Enitekiru Eniteh Unisex Think before you act
Enivwenaye Nivwenai Unisex Compare my achievements with those of my detractors
Erhinyuse Use Unisex Guardian Spirit answers prayers
Erhuvwun Erhus Unisex Beauty
Erukainure Rukainure or Eruks Unisex We have aided them (met their challenge)
Etarakpobuno Etabuno or Tabuno Unisex The world has so much to say (much gossip)
Irorokpaka Rokpaka Unisex Our thoughts went far (deep thoughts)
Isio Isio Unisex Stars
Miriodere Miriode Unisex I now have a name
Oba Oba Male King
Obatare Atare Unisex Destiny
Oborerhinrin Berhirin Unisex It’s your destiny
Odirin Dirin Unisex Patience
Ogbeta Gbeta Male Bad talk
Oghomena Omena or Ogho Unisex Here is my respect
Okiremute Okite Unisex There is time for every thing
Okpako Kpako Unisex Senior
Omafuvwe Mafuvwe or Oma Unisex I am at peace ( All is well with me)
Omenasan Menasan Unisex Mine is unique
Onogaganmue Ogagan or Ono Male Who is intoxicated with prowess (power)?
Onoharhese Noharhese Unisex Who blames good deeds?
Onome Onome Unisex This is mine
Onomine Ono or Mimi Unisex Whom do I look up to?
Onoriode Ono Unisex Who knows tomorrow?
Orodena Orode Male The great one
Otevwobrise Otobrise or Otobru Unisex It’s sufficient to make parables
Ovie  Ovie Male King
Oviereya  Ovieya Female Queen
Ovigueraye Ovigue Unisex Everyone with his/her own destiny
Ovuevuraye Ovuevu or Vuevuraye Unisex Everyone has his/her own minds/thoughts
Oyabevwe Oyabe Unisex Tired of sojourn
Udumebraye Udume or Dumebraye Male My presence gives them heartache (challenge)
Ufuoma  Fuoma Unisex Peace of mind
Ughwubetine  Betine Unisex No more deaths (dying)
Uruemuesiri  Esiri  or Uruemu Unisex Good deeds

Names Based on GENDER

Emetemedia  Metemedia Female I will always remain a lady
Emeterhire Emete Female Girls have arrived
Enajemete Emete Female These are also girls
Esereshareberuo Ese or Eseberuo Unisex Men are hard to please
Eyakodevu Okodevu Unisex Women  can very secretive
Inenevwerha Nene Unisex There is joy in motherhood
Okoro  Okoro or Oshare Male Man
Okotete Okote Male Little young man
Omote Omote Unisex Girl
Omotejohwo Omotohwo Female A girl is also a human being
Omotekoro Oro Female A girl is like gold
Omotore  Tore or Omote Female Girl’s birth brings festivity
Umukoko  Okoko Female Young woman
Umukoro (Omokoro)  Mukoro  or Mokoro Male Young man
Umuto Muto Female Woman

Names based on People as an important RESOURCE

Imonivwerha  Imoni Unisex There is joy in having blood relations
Iniovosa  Niovosa Unisex Siblings are unique
Odibo  Odibo Unisex  Disciple (Follower or Servant)
Ohwevwo Ohwo Unisex Good human relationship provides valuable support
Ohwofasa  Ofasa Male A person’s status should be defined by his/her achievement.
Ohwonigho Igho Male A person is greater than riches
Omodibo Modibo Unisex Young disciple (follower or servant)
Omonigho Igho Unisex Child is greater than riches
Omonoro Oro    or    Monoro Unisex Child is greater than gold
Omotore Motore or  Omote Female Girl’s birth brings festivity
Onanefe  Ona  or  Efe Unisex This (child) is greater than riches

Names that indicate SPECIAL DAYS

Edeki Deki Unisex Market day
Edewor Dewor Male Traditional religion sacred day of worship
Edidjana Didjana Unisex Sunday
Edore Dore Unisex Day of festivity (festival)
Eduvie Duvie Unisex Glory day  (Day of Glory)
Omotore  Tore or Motore Female Girl’s birth brings festivity

 Names Related to WEALTH / MONEY

Avwunufe Efe or wunufe Unisex Wealthy only by talk not substance
Edafetanure Tanure Male  The wealthy have spoken
Efediome Diome Unisex Let riches be mine
Efekodo Efe or Fekodo Unisex Famous with wealth
Efemena  Efe Unisex Here is my wealth
Efemini Efe Unisex Let’s see how wealthy you can be
Efemuaye Efe Male Those intoxicated with riches
Efeturi Efe or Feturi Unisex There are more than 100 types of riches/wealth
Efevwerha Efe Unisex Wealth is joyful
Efurhievwe Efe Unisex Destined to be wealthy
Ejaife  Jaife Male Let them be rich (wealthy)
Esisorigho Esiso Unisex Bag of money
Etaidaferua  Taidafe Male Words of the wealthy are more acceptable
Etaredafe Dafe Male Words of the wealthy
Igberaharha Gberaharha Male The poor take the blame
Ighofose Ose or Igho Unisex Money can break close male/female relationships
Ighofovwe Igho Unisex Wealth suites me
Ighohwo Igho Unisex Riches make you human
Ighovavwerhe Igho Male There is joy in riches
Irikefe Kefe Male First to become wealthy
Odafe Dafe Male Rich individual
Oghonoro Onoro Unisex Respect is greater than gold (riches)
Omoefe Omo or Efe Unisex Child is wealth
Omonigho Igho Unisex Child is greater than riches
Omovigho Omo or Igho Unisex  Child brings wealth (means wealth)
Onofeghara Efe or Nofeghara Unisex Who divides (shares) his/ her wealth with others?
Onoharhigho Igho or Noharhigho Male Who blames riches / wealth?
Uduefebraye Efe or Uduefe Male Wealth gives them challenge (heartache)

 Names in Appreciation of COLOURS

Ahwinahwi Ahwi Male A really black ( dark) individual
Obiebi Biebi Unisex Black (dark)
Ododo Dodo Unisex Red
Ofuafo Fuafo Unisex White
Ofuako Fuako Unisex One with white teeth
Omoyibo Moyibo Unisex Little white / fair skinned person
Oyibo Oyibo Unisex White / fair skinned
Oyibonanarhoro Oyiborhoro or Oyibo or Oyibode Male  This is a big white / fair skinned person
Oyiborhoro Oyibode or Oyibo Male A big white / fair skinned person
Oyiborode Oyibode or Oyibo Male  A big white / fair skinned person

Names in Recognition of Types of WEATHER CONDITIONS 

Edosio Ede or Osio Male Rainy day
Ohwahwa Hwahwa Male Harmattan/cold season
Okposio Osio Unisex Heavy rain
Osio Osio Unisex Rain
Uvo Uvo Male Dry/Sunny season

Names in Recognition of Significance of NATURAL RESOURCES

Egbo Egbo Male Forest
Emeni Meni Male Small elephant
Emerho Merho Male A special type of (small) catfish
Eni Eni Male Elephant
Erhue Erhue Male A special breed of cow used for traditional ceremonies
Ogoro Ogoro Male Frog
Okpogoro Ogoro Male A big toad
Uloho Loho Male Iroko tree
Urhie Urhie Male River

 Names in Honour of Cities and Places of BIRTH 

Agbarha Agbarha Male Born in Agbarha
Emetisiorho Isiorho Unisex Children born in diaspora
Okpara Okpara Male Born in Okpara
Ometeko Eko Female Girl born in Lagos/Eko
Omorogun Omo or Morogun Unisex Child born in Orogun
Omotughele Motughele Female Girl from Ughelli
Omotukane Motukane Female Girl born in diaspora (Ikale-Yoruba)
Orogun Orogun Unisex Born in Orogun
Sapele Sapele Male Born in Sapele
Uhwokori Kokori Male Born in Uhwokori